Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Fresh brussels sprouts—1 lb.
Breadcrumbs—¼ cup
Olive oil—1 ½ tablespoons
Garlic powder—1 teaspoon
Shredded parmesan cheese—½ cup
Kosher salt—to taste
Freshly ground black pepper—to taste
1. Trim and halve the brussels sprouts. Make sure that all are cut into
equal halves so they cook evenly.
2. Take a baking sheet and spray little cooking spray on it so as to
grease it.
3. Take a large, clean bowl and add in the brussels sprouts and olive oil
and toss well so all the brussels are evenly coated in the oil. Now add
the parmesan cheese, garlic powder, breadcrumbs, salt, and pepper
and toss to combine.
4. Spread them evenly on the baking sheet. See that they are not
overcrowded. Bake for 15 minutes till the brussels are browned.
Serve them with the meat loaf and mashed potatoes.
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